Interra (Awakened Series Book 5) Read online

Page 11

  “Oops,” she breathed coyly into their kiss.

  Serena felt Rion’s fingers smooth down her sides to around her hips. The string ties of her bottoms pulled and loosed.

  “Oops,” he kissed, grinning against her lips.

  She felt the rest of her suit drift away under the water. “This must be the ‘swimsuit optional’ tub,” she smirked, her soft lips moving against his.

  “Apparently it is now,” he kissed.

  Rion felt Serena’s hands move around his waist, then felt the thin material of his shorts slipping off to around his thighs. He interrupted their kiss just long enough for her to slide the shorts all the way off, letting them float off to where ever her bikini had bubbled away to.

  He moved back to sit in one seats of the tub.

  Rion lifted her into his arms again, cradling her floating as they began kissing, her breasts and curves bobbing in and out of the bubbles as they kissed.

  “You have a beautiful body, Serena,” he breathed, after enough of her rose enough out of the water to give Rion a sneak peak of not just her very full breasts but the neatly manicured tuft between her thighs as well.

  “You’re being naughty again.” She smiled, kissing him again.

  He lowered her a little deeper into the water. “I know. I’m supposed to be acting like a gentleman.”

  “You are a gentleman.”

  “Well, I don’t know about that,” Rion admitted. “I’ve never skinny-dipped with anyone before.” He pulled back from their kiss to look at Serena; her dangerous curves mostly obscured by the bubbles.

  “I have,” she admitted, smiling, “just never with anyone from the opposite sex.” She dropped out of his arms and then moved up to him, her hands on his knees and the ripe-tall nipples of her breasts only barely covered by the water.

  “You went skinny-dipping with your friends? Really? How many?”

  “Maybe a dozen. Someone had a midnight pool party out in the country. There were not any guys around,” she emphasized. “We got a little wild. It was fun.”

  “A pool full of skinny-dipping women. I thought your parents raised you in the church?” He mocked with another smile.

  “They did. But we’re also Southern. We can sometimes get a little—uncivilized. That’s where I met Alexis.”

  “The girl you were dating?”

  “No one knows. I always called her Alex.”

  “Is this one of those deep, dark family secrets?” Rion’s hands found the sides of her breasts.

  She nodded. “But, it’s just our deep, dark family secret.”

  “My lips are sealed,” he assured.

  “So what deep, dark secrets does Superman keep tucked away inside his closet?”

  “If you only knew—” he rolled his eyes.

  He felt her hands slipping over his muscular thighs, and then up to his waist as she moved herself coyly between his knees. Feeling her hips against the inside of his thighs, Rion had never felt his cock throb this hard before in his life.

  “So, tell me something about you. A secret.”

  “Like what?” He smoothed his hands all around her breasts now, lightly teasing her firmed nipples. Rion’s touch was magical. She really wanted to explore him further with her fingers beneath the water. With his fingers teasing her nipples tight, and her clit feeling like a tall hard pebble, it was everything she could do to keep her hands away from the impressive spire she knew was standing thick and towering beneath the churning water. But Serena behaved herself, barely.

  “I don’t know. Tell me anything.”

  “Okay, I like to hack computers.”

  “That’s not a secret. You’re a computer nerd.”

  “I hacked Anonymous.”

  “Really?” Serena’s face looked genuinely surprised. “I thought they were supposed to be, you know, Anon— ”

  “Anonymous,” he finished. “Yea. They are. Just not to me.”

  “Isn’t that, like, dangerous? What if they found out? You could get arrested.”

  Rion moved his lips against hers with a grin. “Sure. Only if they catch you.”

  She giggled softly against his lips. “I love the way this water feels. It’s really nice.” Serena smoothed her hands between his knees again, leveling a sweet kiss on his full sculpted lips.

  “You, Miss Erickson, are going to get this gentleman into trouble, you know that, right?” Rion kissed, feeling her fingers smoothing dangerously around the inside of his upper thighs.

  “And what kind of trouble are you afraid of getting into?” she coyed. “Afraid you’ll get me pregnant?” she teased.

  “Serena,” he grinned his agreement, “I will more than get you pregnant, trust me.” Rion joked, pushing himself against her front and moving the two of them into the center of the tub.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck while kneeling on the bottom of the tub with him and feeling his ample rock-solid male pressing affectionately against her skin between them. She felt Rion’s hands slip warmly around her ass under the water, kneading her gently while pulling the two of them together in a softly rocking motion.

  “Is that so?” She couldn’t help but rock her hips softly with his.

  He nodded. “I will knock you up with triplets.” He grinned.

  Serena giggled. And then kissed him softly. “I think I could make out with you for hours,” she murmured, moving her arms around the muscles of his back and then over his well-rounded ass.

  “Serena, I don’t think you and I would make it to an hour before we—” he kissed her again while sliding his thick spire softly against her skin under the water.

  “Mmm,” she giggled. “True.” She finally found the courage to slip her fingers around Rion’s magnum male. He felt rock hard and her slender fingers barely able to grip all the way around him. She watched him tip his head back enjoying the new sensation.

  “Ohhh, Serena, don’t do that. I won’t be able to stop.”

  Rion returned his longing gaze back to hers. She could swear there was a new glow to Rion’s eyes, but, maybe it was just an odd reflection from the lights under the water. Still, the man was unbelievably long and his girth filled her light grip as she moved her full hand over him. She slid her fingers to his tip.

  “Uncut—” she kissed.

  “Mmm-hmm.” He nodded with a deep sigh. He then lifted her hand from himself before he lost all semblance of self-control.

  “Aww,” she protested.

  “That feels really nice, Angel, but, I think we should behave ourselves. Please?”

  “If you insist.” She pouted and then kissed him, then waded back to a seat with the jets massaging her back. Rion followed, kneeling in front of her now.

  “My mother would be having kittens right now if she knew I was hot tubbing like this, with a guy no less,” she smirked.

  Rion chuckled. “Our parents probably did the same things, Angel. They just wouldn’t say anything to us––well I know my mom wouldn’t have. Dad, well, that’s another story.”

  Rion didn’t talk about his parents all that much, but when he did, Serena was careful to just keep her questions casual and let him talk. She was curious about Rion’s family, but he seemed to be very tight-lipped about them. He seldom talked about them or even about himself for that matter.

  “Well,” Serena began, wrapping her legs around Rion’s under the water, “both of my folks like to talk a lot about their dating days. Frankly, it doesn’t sound all that exciting to me. They met at a small private college in Michigan that was really strict about students dating. You couldn’t even hold hands. Instead of dances they attended banquets,” she mocked.

  “That sounds like some of the really conservative Dominion schools.” Rion assured with a grin.

  “Oh, so, you kind of picked that up, did you?”

  “It wasn’t hard. You said your dad is the principal of a Dominion academy. I’m sure they grew up in a very different era.”

  “Sometimes I wonder how they ever eve
n managed to have any kids.”

  “Oh, I’m sure they had their moments. They’re just careful not to talk about that part of their relationship when the kids are around.”

  “So what about kids,” Serena began. “Do you want kids?”

  Rion half choked and chuckled at the same time.

  “I wasn’t trying to be funny,” she said.

  “No, I know you weren’t. I’m sorry. Yes, I would love to have kids—at some point. How about you?”

  “Eventually. I think I’d like to spend some time without them for a while though. You know, enjoy life as a couple for a few years.”

  “That’s what my parents did, much to the chagrin of the rest of my family.” He didn’t elaborate.

  “How many would you like?” she probed.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Thirty or forty,” he turned his head to look at her, a smirk crossing his face.

  “Ha! I don’t think my uterus would be able handle that many.”

  Rion slipped his hands over her knees and then the outside of her thighs. “What makes you think I was talking about your uterus?” he said coyly.

  She sat up, moving her lips in close to his, “Weren’t you?”

  Rion moved himself closer between her knees, sliding his hands along the smooth skin of her legs again, then up to her hips. He kissed her lightly. “Maybe.”

  “I have a nice uterus,” she breathed between kisses. “We should try it out some time.”

  Rion pulled back softly, drawing and releasing another deep breath. “You have no idea how tempting that is right now.” He teased.

  Serena was a bit surprised by her own words. Was she just not thinking!? But it had just slipped out of her mouth. Yes, it was definitely how she felt, but her body was apparently attempting to make moves her brain wasn’t ready to yet.

  “I can’t believe I just said that,” she admitted with a soft blush.

  Rion smiled at her. “Serena, listen, don’t be embarrassed. I completely feel the same way about you. Honestly, it’s no secret. We’re both really attracted—in more ways than we know. Let’s be honest. You and I—we both know we want to make love to each other––badly. Well, at least I do. But, I think that would be—a little dangerous for the two of us to do at the moment.”

  She nodded.

  “So being next to you like this—” he paused moving his hands over her wet skin again. She knew what he meant.

  Serena smiled at him, “You’re sweet.” She tapped his nose with her finger. Rion pushed back to the middle of the pool, while Serena watched the bubbling water swirl around his big arms and chest. Rion was more than marvelous to look at when he moved.

  “Badly, huh?” she mused, looking at him smirking.

  He nodded, “Oh yea.”

  Both had finally overheated from the water and from making out. Serena gathered their floating swimsuits and laid them out on the side of the snow piling around pool. Rion watched her from the back as she left the tub and wrapped her swimsuit-less body in one of the thick towels.

  “I’m going inside. I don’t suppose you could bring my suit with you when you come in?” She smiled.

  “Absolutely, Angel. I’ll be inside in a minute.”

  Rion rested his arms on the edge of the hot tub as he watched Serena disappear inside. He was kind of proud that he had sort of behaved himself; although, not as well as he would have liked. The skinny dipping was way over the line. What was up with that? Clearly he needed to better control Serena’s own attractive influence over himself. She was showing herself to be quite a bit more woman than he had prepared himself to handle.


  S erena’s thoughts and feelings swirled warmly around Rion and their hot tub date as she made her way into the warmth of the apartment. He could have really taken advantage of the situation and gone much further than we did. But he hadn’t. It made Serena feel all the more comfortable around him. Rion may not have been Southern, but he was every bit the gentleman around her. What really concerned her were her own actions around Rion. It was both amusing and troubling at the same time. Getting naked in a hot tub, and with a guy? That was not at all like her. Her mother would be having conniptions. Then again, Mom and Dad probably did the same thing. Serena had heard some very interesting stories about her folks when they were dating.

  And what about Alex? What would she now think about Rion? Sure both had dated guys before they were dating each other, but guys were supposed to be off limits now. Then again, Serena was sure Alex had never met anyone like Rion. She was pretty sure Alexis would have lost all self-control around him, just like she had.

  She wondered about that. Rion’s self-control had been admirable, but still, he was a guy and he was only human. At some point that chivalry of his would wane. She needed to be responsible and keep her own feminine wiles in check when they were alone. Making out with Rion could quickly escalate into much more serious business.

  Yea. Serious business. Her mind settled on that thought for a moment. Getting serious—with Rion. Oh, yea. There was no mistaking that she wanted to make love to Rion; literally craved him making love to her. And she would have let it happen too if he hadn’t settled things down. The chemistry between the two of them was really strong. It was almost like she was a completely different person when she was around Rion. He made her feel––more alive somehow.

  The large bedroom had an open on-suite bathroom that was nicely partitioned off from the visibility of the rest of the open home. Still, the whole back wall of the bathroom was glass and visibly open to the city below. Serena felt a little self-conscious walking into the room. She didn’t want to unwrap from her towel. She just stood watching the thick snow fall on the night-lit city below. But then suddenly some of the lights of the buildings below began to wink out. They seemed to come back on for a few moments, but then they went out altogether. Several city streets below for several miles began winking out and then other blocks until a good section of the city below had gone dark.

  Rion walked into the bathroom wrapped in his towel, their wrung but still wet swimsuits in his hands. He laid them onto the stone vanity.

  “What’s wrong?” he sensed her astonishment.

  “I think the power just went out below us.”

  Rion looked out of the glass.

  “Oh. Wow. That’s not good. I bet all this snow knocked out a substation somewhere.” He pointed. “It looks like it goes out all the way past the freeway. It’s even dark around Trinity Tower.”

  “How can you tell? It’s really dark.”

  “Oh—ah, well, I guess I’m just used to the view,” Rion quickly rationalized what he was seeing. He could easily tell the whole campus had been affected by the power outage along with a good chunk of the city below them.

  “Maybe you should call one of your friends and see how they’re doing?”

  “I probably should. Are you going to be able to carry me back to the dorm?”

  Rion knew she’d be asking that at some point in the evening. But now that Serena had become the target of some very dangerous people, he’d needed her staying put for the moment and not feeling like she was some kind of prisoner. The snow and now the power outage would be palatable excuses, for now anyway.

  “Maybe—” Rion mused out loud, “you should just stay here tonight. The roads are not going to be good and who knows how long it will take them to get the power back on at the school.”

  “Oh, I see how you operate now, mister.”


  “First you stir up a big blizzard in the middle of Texas and then knockout the power just so you can get a cute girl to stay overnight.”

  “Ah—” fell out of Rion’s mouth.

  She bumped her shoulder playfully into his. “Nice try, but I didn’t bring anything to sleep in.”

  “You can borrow some of my things.”

  “I don’t think you have anything that will fit me.” She smiled.

  “Probably not. But we can check out the clos
et at least.”

  Serena stopped him as he turned to leave and leveled a kiss on his lips. He sweetly returned the affection. She then pushed away his towel and let it fall onto the floor while still lip-locked with her hunky guy. He bit her lip playfully causing her to yip.

  “Don’t be naughty. I’m in enough trouble now as it is.” Rion wasn’t just kidding. The dull ache in his swollen jewels continued to remind him that it was a bad idea to hot tub with a newblood begging to be awakened.

  Serena breathed a soft sigh as she followed him walking away from her, her eyes fixed on his smooth, rounded, towel-less ass, toward the bedroom.

  Rion’s open closet space gave Serena the impression that she’d just walked into the men’s department at Nordstrom. Like the on-suite bathroom, the huge space wasn’t exposed to the rest of the home but it was very visible from the bedroom space. Soft lights dimmed to life as the two of them walked into the room-sized closet lined with fine wood shelves, brass and glass, soft furniture groups and tables with small chrome racks of men’s findings, trays of ties and some fine jewelry. Rion pulled a pair of neatly folded purple yoga pants from a shelf filled with a small stack of the different colored sportswear. He slipped them on while Serena watched still intrigued by how well he moved. Unclothed Ron was a sight to behold. Serena giggled. The nice fitting yoga gear did next to nothing to hide anything about him up front.

  Still wrapped in her towel, she meandered the roomy ‘closet’ looking at the different racks of fine shirts and jackets. Rion curled up on a chair watching her explore the space as she looked for something to wear.

  “Tell me you don’t actually keep all of this organized like this? I mean, do you shop and bring all of this home and arrange all of the colors?” She looked at how everything was color-organized, hanging, stacked and laid out into nice rainbows.

  “I don’t,” he admitted. “Thomas usually takes care of the clothes and things.”

  “Is he your butler?”

  Rion grinned. “Not exactly. He’s the head of regional operations, actually.”