Interra (Awakened Series Book 5) Read online

Page 9

  “He’s right,” the unknown woman named Julia agreed. “We’re caught in the middle here.”

  Brian sighed, inwardly fuming.

  The door of the conference room opened and a young officer interrupted. “General, Beijing is making an official statement. We’re putting it on the screen now.”

  “Thank you, Lieutenant.”

  “It has come to our attention,” a man with an American accent translated over the Chinese president’s Mandarin, “that some American news media have been reporting that the People’s Republic of China attacked the United States of America last night. This report is categorically untrue. We are friends and allies of the very blessed United States of America.”

  Then the president of the United States stepped in front of the microphone.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen of the People’s Republic of China and my fellow Americans. I have been in full contact with my cabinet and the Joint Chiefs immediately following the reports that America was attacked last night by our friends and allies here in China. This irresponsible report by some in our media is an unmitigated hoax. A hoax designed to derail this very important summit between our two great superpowers. There is no evidence whatsoever that China in any way attacked the U.S. last night. Whoever is making these reports is doing so maliciously and with the intent of interfering with official United States diplomacy, which will not be tolerated.

  “I have communicated with the heads of DHS and the FBI to launch an immediate and full investigation of those responsible for perpetrating this malicious act.”

  “Oh, that’s going to go over well with the American media,” Sevrin snarked.

  Rion was tapping into his phone.

  “What are you doing?” Sevrin asked.

  “Releasing some video. If that snake is going to claim there’s no evidence, I want to see how he twists in the wind over the images and telemetry direct from STRATCOM. There. I just sent the files to FOX, CNN, NPR and HuffPo.”

  “HuffPo?” Sevrin winced. “Really?”

  “Hey, Anonymous is an equal opportunity spook,” Rion smirked.

  “You are blaming this on the hacker group, Anonymous?” Francesca asked.

  “Not blaming, Francesca—crediting.” Rion smiled.

  “The Unified Commands are not going to happy about seeing their telemetry and defensive capability running all over global media,” Sevrin warned.

  “No, they won’t,” Rion agreed. “But this game of chess has now put their king in check and they’re about to lose their queen. If it gets any hotter, the Seven will sacrifice the queen to make sure their king can escape. Either way, we win.”

  * * * * *

  Rigel walked nervously through the halls of the Forbidden City. Beijing wasn’t on his list of favorite haunts, but right now it was the safest place on Earth after what had just happened. The events of last night had the Sentinels’ meddling written all over them.

  He entered a massive ornate room filled with museum treasures on display, some of them predating even the Ming Dynasty. Much of the complex had been closed off to tourists for the week as the trade conference wound its way to a close.

  Hades approached Rigel, gripping his hands cheerfully, but Rigel could sense the deep despondency within him. Hera and Solis, along with several of the other old ones encircled him now as well.

  “We have been following the events, Rigel.” Solis gripped the side of his arm warmly.

  “Indeed, my friends. I’m afraid I have more bad news.”

  “Apollo?” Ares questioned, moving into the group.

  “Is no more, I regret to say.”

  Hera’s hand went to her mouth, her eyes now wide with fear. Hades moved beside her, his hands resting on her shoulders in an attempt to comfort the goddess.

  “How could this happen?!” Ares had already surmised that tragedy had befallen his friend.

  “A terrible miscalculation, my friends. There is an intelligence at work within the Wraith, unlike anything we have seen.”

  “Terrell must be stopped, Rigel.”

  “We did attempt to do so last night, my friends. But the code we implanted within the US defenses was eradicated. Some kind of anti-viral scan detected our presence and inoculated their systems. Once restored, our attack was no match for their anti-missile shield.”

  “Rion.” Ares fumed. “Meddling whelp.”

  “Most probably,” Rigel agreed.

  “Fools!” Anger rose in Solis’ tone. “Do they not realize the danger that waits at their own doorstep? This is why we forbade mingling with the Humans. Now all of us will pay the price.”

  Rigel nodded. “The missiles were set to change course at the last possible moment. We would have been rid of the halfblood Wraith once and for all, in a single surgical attack.”

  “Then the Earth is doomed.” Athena spoke, standing just outside the small crowd that had gathered around Rigel, her arms folded trying to keep herself from shuddering. “The halfbloods will continue to grow in power. There is nothing to stop them from ruling over all the Earth now.”

  * * * * *

  Low afternoon clouds and a cold bitter wind blew across the campus of Trinity as a rare light snow began to fall over the city.

  Serena, Celeste, Kelly and the rest of her friends were all parked in the lounge of the dorm along with women from other floors of the building. Everyone had been watching the news during the day about what was happing. Only one of the news networks was continuing to run the “China Attacks” story non-stop with a couple of other news channels running stories now and then about what the one network was reporting.

  For the past several hours, the anchors of FOX News had been showing video of heavily armed national guard that had surrounded the network’s 6th Avenue headquarters in New York. Interviews with the commander of the guard units would only say that they were there to keep the peace.

  “This makes no sense,” Kelly fumed. She hated FOX News and everything it stood for. “Why doesn’t the military just get it over with and shut the place down for reporting all of these lies about China. They’re totally breaking the law by reporting all of this and interfering with U.S. diplomacy,” she declared.

  “You are so not serious, Kelly!” one of their floor mates countered. “They have the right to freedom of speech, just like you do. They’re obviously acting on some hard facts, otherwise they wouldn’t be reporting what they are. Besides, that video clip they’ve been playing showing the command center tracking the Chinese subs? I suppose that doesn’t raise any questions in your mind?”

  “No, it doesn’t,” Kelly asserted stubbornly. “It looks too Hollywood. Nothing we have looks like that. It’s totally manufactured special effects.”

  “Oh, God, Kelly you are just hopeless!”

  “All units, prep for extraction.” The federal police officers heard in their headsets as their small convoy of vehicles pulled into the parking lot close to the women’s dorm on the Trinity campus. Several agents exited their vehicles looking around in the waning afternoon daylight, the snow flakes getting just a little bigger now.

  A small posse of agents began to approach the main entrance of the building when the lead agent suddenly stopped, his gaze frozen on the lone figure in the small courtyard.

  Rion pushed away from the tree he’d been leaning against and met the dozen men just outside the main entrance. He recognized one of them immediately.

  “What’s your hurry, Spencer?” Rion glared. The rogue newblood was not unknown. He didn’t exactly work for the Seven; he was more of hired gun. He had all the telltale signs of a god—handsome, tanned, articulate and built. The guy was always working for someone—usually one of the clans. It was the first time Rion had seen him working for the feds though—that was new. Humans were the last people he’d have expected Spencer to be working for. Rion mused the connection briefly.

  “Police business, Steele. None of your concern.”

  “I just made it my concern.”

�Butt out. I have a federal warrant.”

  “You can’t have her.”

  “She’s just another Human. What do you care?”

  “Is that why you want her so badly?”

  Spencer wasn’t expecting this. He was sure the Dominion hadn’t been anywhere near the campus. But now all of a sudden he was face to face with Rion. Dick head.

  The suited agents began drawing small firearms.

  “Out of the way, Rion.” Spencer ordered.

  “Get serious.” Rion folded his arms and took a relaxed stand. Suddenly two agents in Dominion security uniforms faded into view standing behind Rion, their unconventional sleek weapons already drawn. Then four appeared with the subtle sound of rushing air; then eight more appeared out of nowhere, surrounding the federal agents.

  Spencer looked at their weapons. He was more than sure none of them fired slugs. Their weapons didn’t even have an open barrel.

  “You’re a real asshole, Rion.” Spencer glared.

  “Try looking in the mirror.”

  “This isn’t over,” Spencer flash a brief psionic flare from his eyes. Rion parried the minor psionic slap easily enough. “Fall back—” Spencer ordered his troop, still glaring at Rion.

  The Dominion guards watched as the agents retreated to their vehicles and then drive away. Rion’s gaze never left Spencer’s as he watched the malevolent newblood speed out of the parking lot.

  Dark holstered his weapon as the other agents began fading from view once again, until it was just the two of them standing in the small courtyard. “Where did you dig up that piece of work? We haven’t seen Spencer in decades.”

  Rion didn’t look at him, his eyes still focused on the repellent newblood’s vehicle as it moved away into the distance. “Yea. That’s what bothers me. And how did he know about Serena?”

  “He’ll be back.” Dark assured.


  Rion stepped into the room where all of the ladies were still watching the news coverage. He made his way through the crowd of young women, holding his finger to his lips. Serena was glued to the screen listening. He now stood behind her chair and began gently massaging her shoulders, instantly finding some fine pressure points that sent her muscles into a kind of immediate relaxed state.

  For a split second Serena was startled, but the firms hands resting on her shoulders instantly smoothed out the tension from her back. Those strong hands could only be coming from one man that she could think of. She relaxed and let his fingers push the stresses of the day away.

  “You have exactly twenty minutes to stop that,” she sighed, relaxing into his touch.

  “Only twenty?” he chuckled, pinpointing a particularly tense nerve, soothing the tight muscles surrounding it.

  “Okay, make it thirty, hmmm,” she conceded.

  Rion spoke quietly so as not to further disturb the room. Of course he had already disturbed it when he had walked in; and now the eyes of nearly every co-ed in the room were firmly fixed on his gentle shoulder massage. Most of them already knew about Serena’s ‘hot new boyfriend’, no thanks to Celeste, but this was the first time they’d seen the handsome guy in person. Rion felt the eyes of the room all over he and Serena. The young ladies were apparently much more interested in seeing Serena get a backrub than they were with whatever was on the news, nuclear bombs notwithstanding. Rion could also feel the innate attraction he was generating within the room full of young women. He could feel rising pulses the longer he stood rubbing her shoulders.

  “Can I tear you away from here?” he whispered directly into her ear, the warmth from his breath sending a little shiver down her neck.

  “Sure.” She rose quickly to her feet.

  The eyes of the room were still on them as both walked out of the lounge and headed to the quietest part of the lobby.

  “Is everything alright?” Serena asked once they were out of earshot of the lounge.

  “Yea, absolutely. I just wanted to see if you wanted to go for a walk with me around the campus. It’s been a busy day and I just wanted to see you.”

  “Aw, that’s sweet. Let me get my jacket.”

  Both walked out into the lightly falling snow arm in arm with their hands in their pockets.

  “Can you believe what’s happening to us?” Serena began about the news. “This whole thing really scares me, Rion. What would have happened to us if the ‘Star Wars’ shield hadn’t worked?”

  “That system’s probably been in place for a long time, Serena. You have to know whoever launched those missiles knew about it. It almost seems like they didn’t think it would work. I’m glad they were wrong.”

  “Me too.”

  Rion could feel Carson’s people watching Serena and himself from a clandestine distance. But it was clear that U.N. agents were hanging back all around the campus still as well. They were safe enough with Dominion security, but Rion still bristled at the malevolent feelings of the other agents now watching them from a distance.

  “Are you cold?” Serena asked, feeling the shiver.

  “No. I’m fine. It’s nice. I like it a little cooler.”

  “It’s really weird weather. It’s all sunny and warm a couple of days ago and now suddenly we get snow.” She shivered looking at her breath in the cold air. “This feels like hot tub weather now.” She mused.

  Rion breathed a chuckle.

  “What’s so funny?” She pulled his arm close.

  “I have a hot tub. I’ve never used it in the snow though.”

  “You do not!” she grinned.

  Rion suddenly found an idea to get the bright newblood out of harms way, if she went for it. He didn’t know if she would, considering she attended such a conservative university.

  “Hey,” he turned toward her. “How about you and I go back to my place. I’ll make us dinner. And then we can checkout the hot tub—in the snow. That is, if you want to.”

  “Oh, you are not serious? Really?” Serena’s eyes suddenly lit up.

  He nodded with a great smile.

  Serena’s face took on a coy grin. “I don’t know, Mr. Steele. Cozied up with you, just the two of us in a hot tub?” she joked. “Will it be safe?”

  Rion smirked. “Ha. Safer than trying to sneak me into your dorm room past Sargent Kelly and her platoon of floor monitors. It’s up to you.”

  Seeing Rion’s apartment had been at the top of Serena’s list since meeting him. It would give her just a little deeper glimpse into his mysterious life.

  “I’d love to. I’ll just need a few minutes to get my swimsuit and things. Oh, and I need to be back by eleven. I still have classes tomorrow.”

  “Sure,” Rion offered, walking with her back to her dorm. He wasn’t sure if acknowledging her request was a lie or not. It would be a huge mistake to show Serena where he lived; it shattered more than one of the Cardinal rules. Inviting her to his home would raise all kinds of questions and maybe endanger her more than she already was. But who was he kidding? She couldn’t be in any more danger now with a newblood now after her. Spencer and his cadre of U.N. feds were all the reason Rion needed now. There was no way he was going to leave Serena alone tonight. He didn’t know how long he’d be able to keep her out of harms way. But the tower was the safest place on Earth for her right now.


  U nder the street lights, the short drive into the city felt magical to Serena. Maybe it just seemed that way because she was with Rion and he was about to give her a glimpse of another part of his mysterious life. The fact was, Rion was turning out to be the ultimate mystery guy. Sure, she’d barely known him a week, but Serena realized that even after all of their conversations, she still knew very little about him. She had been trying to piece together all of the things she actually knew about him, but it was still a very short list.

  He was confident, even arrogant at times. Why do I always go for the arrogant ones? she thought. But something about Rion always made her feel safe; independent; secure. She hadn’t exactly felt that
way with other men she had dated. In fact, the opposite had been true. Rion made Serena feel like she was worth something; something valuable, like a real treasure instead of some bauble to adorn his arm with.

  As young he was, he seemed to really know a lot about different things. He was smart—scary smart; to the point that he knew what she was about to say even before she said it.

  She had also learned he was generous. The tips Rion left were often as large as the bill for their meals. Growing up, her family had not at all been affluent, large gratuities were just not possible. He often dropped bills into the hands of smelly panhandlers, not just loose change.

  Rion wasn’t a small guy either. He wasn’t burly like a lot of bigger guys. With a thin waist and thick broad shoulders, those sculpted, well defined muscles of his might have been intimidating or even frightening to a lot of women. Not to Serena. She felt like those powerful muscles were hers; there to protect her. And Rion didn’t intimidate easily, by anyone, not even that big bully in the theater on their first date.

  Their car turned into downtown with its tall buildings, shops and people mulling all about the evening. Rion signaled and turned into the parking garage where Serena had parked to meet him earlier in the week on their first date. Rion neatly rounded the car up several levels until they came to roll gate that lifted open automatically as the car approached and then closed behind them. The floor of this part of the parking garage had transitioned from ugly bare concrete to rough stone tiles. A security guard exchanged smiles and waves with Rion as they drove by. He parked in a double-wide space between two other cars that Serena was sure she had seen, but only in magazines.

  As the two of them got out, Serena’s eyes and mouth were open with wonder. Fine stone tile and chandeliers? In a parking garage? She was suddenly in heaven as she took in the carved stone designs and architecture all around them. Perhaps that was why Rion had been encouraging her with her dreams to design in stone; someone had already done a masterful job with this building, and they were only in the parking garage!